API end point : http://api.alquran.cloud/v1/quran/quran-uthmani
I was trying to remove bismillahirahmani raheem from the first ayath, I copied the arabic text from first Aya of Sura 1. Fathiha
[INF] Trying to get Joomla version on target...
[INF] Joomla version is: 1.5.15
[INF] Searching for Joomla vulnerabilites for this version
_**[INF] Joomla! 3.4.4 < 3.6.4 - Account Creati…
Vercel uses 2 stages deployment build, the first one is only for `preview` mode which means, it literally only be usable for ***preview***.
To do the production build, use :
In surah [Al-Araf 7:169]
"Dan kampung akhirat itu lebih (BAIK) bagi...."
BAIK dlm kurungan tersebut tidak ditulis dlm terjemahannya, harap dpt tuliskannya dlm update masa hadapan. Jazaka…
Issue Lam is not rendering properly, user configruation.
Mozilla, latest version that is available 26/03/2020
Everything works properly on Chrome.
Use any web desktop browser
navigate to https://quran-lights.firebaseapp.com/
login with email: highcharts@quranlights.com
password: 1234567
note charts with label light days per month, dark da…
how to fix it ?
# npm i whatsapp-web.js
loadDep:puppeteer → resol ▌ ╢█████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine puppeteer@3.1.0: wanted: {"node":">=10.18.
> puppeteer@3.1.0 install /root/wabot/…
Hi, i using this Quran API for my web app development. the API get a CORS on network.
how to resolve this problem ?
ada yang mengganjal pada ( hampir semua ) surah yaitu terdapat simbol ࣖ, dan terkadang huruf ain kecil ada yg hilang. Saya memberikan contoh surah al - fatihah terdapat simbol ࣖ dan hilangnya ain di…
Hi. when I updated to current version I noticed that at right upper corner of GUI only - x icons but no maximize icon which should be between - & x icons.
I installed i2pd from FlatHub.