As a Clerk, upon the Customer's request I would like to return their previously purchased items so I can keep them satisfied with their purchase
Priority: 2
Acceptance Criteria
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#### Issue details, reproduction steps/code
The iOS Robovm implementation is not handling subscription expiry. …
Does someone have some code to do this that works with both iOS and Android?
Would that show up in inAppPurchase.getProducts(productIds)?
##### Description
The Api definition specifies that for different status codes, different objects are returned. The generated client always expects a DataDeliveryReceipt object, if the response is …
# Lines of code
# Vulnerability details
A user mints a receipt (ER…
We have implemented Unity iAP validation and everything works fine except google subscriptions. It always back the same Error: Status 400, 'Invalid Value'.
We are testing in sandbox mode,…
How I will check the In-app purchase status?
How I will know if the user cancels the subscription or how many days remain to end the subscription?
According to the doc, when received DLR and faced to an issue of message id encoding, you need to change the dlr_msgid parameter in the related connector [link](https://docs.jasminsms.com/en/latest/fa…
I've integrated version 13.10.0 of the cordova-plugin-purchase into my Ionic application. Additionally, I've set up a consumable product in the Apple App Store and created a dedicated sandbox user for…
Depends on: https://github.com/onflow/flow-evm-gateway/issues/586
Currently, whenever a transaction is submitted to the EVM Gateway, by calling the `eth_sendRawTransaction` JSON-RPC endpoint, under t…