When running examples/create_env.py, I get this error:
`Impossible to create render texture (unsupported anti-aliasing level) Requested: 4 Maximum supported: 1.
Impossible to create render text…
Currently, users still need to manually install dependencies on Linux. The ultimate solution would be building everything via BB2, here is a list:
- [x] pthread (integrated in glibc)
- [x] OggBuil…
Which version of SFML should i download and how would i install it so that it works with the package, your directions are not clear?
Multiline text defintion:
* `jt::Text`
* contains at least one "\n"
This behaves differently for SFML ([code](https://github.com/Laguna1989/JamTemplateCpp/blob/master/impl/jamtemplate/sfml/text.…
The `imgui-sfml` `CMakeLists.txt` file is rather "wonky", I understand that it is nice to have choices, such as using system dependencies (can conan do this automatically) however despite having all o…
В двух лабораторных CMakeLists.txt не содержит директивы find_package, в итоге возникают ошибки компоновки с SMFL:
add_executable(workshop1 main.cpp)
target_include_directories(workshop1 PRIV…
1>sfml-graphics.lib(sfml-graphics-2.dll) : fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'x86'
1>Done building project "Shapes.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
I'm trying to make this work with yocto on intel platform, i compile sfml pi with no problem
Later i create a simple sample
int …
@richelbilderbeek suggests we can use a look-up `std::map` to improve the currently clumsy and incomplete function `to_sfml_key()` which is located in key_action_map.cpp
Steps to reproduce:
1- Use Linux (Ubuntu in my case)
2- Run monodevelop and load GWEN dotnet solution from the SVN build
3- Compile (using DLLMAPS as appropriate)
4- Solve the null sfFont bug (fo…