I am compiling a 4.0 kernel for the udoo and need v4l2 capture support. However, the most recent version fails to compile with the following error:
ERROR: "bg_overlay_sdc_deselect" [dri…
First off I'd like to thank ThingM for making such an awesome product. I love it.
Okay, Let me describe what I am doing then I'll talk about the issue I am having.
I currently had a BlinkM (First Ge…
i'm trying to compile everything under linux (which i know is not supported). Appart from compiling the kernel there is no problem. The kernel always gives me:
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
Dea Igor
make shure youre kernel supports UDEV
udev requires the following kernel options:
General setup --->
[*] Configure standard kernel features (expert users) --->
as discussed on email
Please update & merge standard kenrel module support for
- usb, usb storange , usb netdrivers ,
- OTG !! this driver are stable since 3.14.10
- netfilter
- dm
- ipsec
- …
Any plans for that?
When using the following code my blink(1) device is showing a mostly white colour when it should be brown/orange.
``` CoffeeScript
Blink1 = require("node-blink1")
blink1 = new Blink1.Blink1()
This is an easy way to connect an RGB LED to PX4; it would be good to have a driver for these.
Github provides hosting for builds and binaries in the Downloads tab. If you put all the .zip files there, it will be millions of times\* faster to check out the main git repo.
*possibly a small exag…
The setRGB or fadeToRGB methods are frequently returning -1 indicating an error with no other explanation. In a test of 500 trials an error was thrown on the setRGB function 120 times out of the 500.