When forming a link or filename, constructs like "veryshorttitle" are sometimes required, but sometimes this type of marker is required for another field, such as [MAINTITLE] or [user_title] etc.
## Issue Description
In my tests, MPSCircuits take much longer to get jitted than the same circuits. For example, within 2 minutes for a default-type circuit of 8 qubits, but at least more than 40 …
Run a series of tests to
* make sure our R representation of MEND produces the results we would expect to see (Wang et al 2013)
* try changing the parameters is the code functioning as we expected …
add todo if bug leads to incorrect result
also interesting is
Hi :)
Sorry, I would like to use the exemple, I try tou launch it, but I don't understand why I cannot.
I have try to run the main of StlPlotter in test, but nothing appear.
Maybe I have miss somethi…
It seems that the exponentiation of polynomials (in Poly form or as Expr) could be improved by using a recursive calculation (see [presentation of J.C.P. Miller's algorithm](https://www.researchgate.n…
I am using the seas function to run a X13 Arima on a time series. But when I call the seasonal, trend and irregular component I see that the seas function is providing me a multiplicative decompositio…
Here is our proposal for a CTV on Archaeological Science. We have organised the proposal into the sections requested in the instructions (scope, packages, overlap, maintainers):
On v0.1.25 on OSX, I get the following error when computing gradients from the following jit-compiled function.
import numpy as onp
import jax.numpy as np
from jax import grad, jit
In IFC2X3, PointOfContact has a type of IfcPropertyReferenceValue pointing to an IfcOrganization. This reference is then used in the COBie 2.4 mappings from IFC to the COBie spreadsheet (such as in he…