### Issue Title:
**Enhance Webpage Aesthetics: Font, Styling, and Animations**
### Description:
We need to improve the overall aesthetics of the webpage by doing the following:
#### Update Fon…
Currently, the cursor moves from point A to point B in a straight line. To make the cursor feel more organic and alive, it'd be awesome to add some anticipation to the transition animation.
For example, to transition the background color of a button on hover.
# Ten tips for better CSS transitions and animations - Josh Collinsworth blog
Creating high-quality, polished web animations is both a science and an art. This post covers the best things I've learne…
as https://reactnative.dev/docs/animations does. Maybe look in to how RN-web is doing this?
kylpo updated
4 years ago
### Input System - Movement Transition
As we are working with the new input system we will have 3 points to access input events once they are fired #6
1) Creation _(Once the input event is invo…
This is a great library. After testing it out I realized that despite setting the transformer through "SetPresetTransformer", No animation is applied during the Auto cycle. However, if I were to slide…
@traviskim @qianqian121 : lets work on some animations & transitions
:red_circle: **GSAP animation** :
:red_circle: **Aim** : Learn about animation libraries like gsap, three.js
:red_circle: **Tech Stack Used** : JS , GSAP
Can you add Gsoc ext Level 2 to this p…