![Screenshot 2023-03-06 195520](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/112465990/223116450-d27392c1-b8f0-496e-8070-5ed214e0e21b.jpg)
untuk config saya rasa sudah benar, bgitu di eksekusi dari port…
Currently, Xendit API for creating a charge allows `metadata` object to be sent in the request payload -> https://developers.xendit.co/api-reference/#create-charge
This library doesn't support `met…
Saya hendak membuat endpoint untuk menerima callback dari Xendit. Saat saya daftarkan di dashboard, status response sudah 200 (ok) namun data yang saya inginkan tidak dapat muncul. Yang muncul hanya r…
In https://developers.xendit.co/api-reference/#create-invoice , parameters in snake_case (such as _external_id_) are provided.
But looking into https://github.com/xendit/xendit-node/blob/master/src/i…
How to Create a multiple Payment Link?
## Overview
User-facing clients (SDKs, CLI, and unofficial clients) need a local binary to enable functionality like local dir sync that has not yet been implemented natively in each client.
## …
## Steps to replicate
- Click on Plugins. ->Add new
- Search for "Xendit" plugin
## Result
It says " 4 Results found" but doesn't have any list of plugins to select from. It's a blank page…
Thread link: https://xendit.slack.com/archives/C8UQMDFM2/p1650026066417399
Got this error when running balance PHP
`Fatal error: Uncaught Xendit\Exceptions\ApiException: Please contact customer support in /Users/ervan/Documents/xendit/project/php/xendit-php/src/HttpClient…
Halo, saya lagi proses integrasi dengan xendit (OVO), tapi kenapa callback tidak masuk ke path url yg sudah saya input di setting xendit ya ? jadinya order status di database kami tidak terupdate