After discussion, if an artwork is gifted it will be marked up with a new taxonomy. I will make this taxonomy so it can be added to any artwork.
Once the artworks are marked up, we can get all gifte…
To be added to the wishlist.
Do you plan to do the bindings around artworks?
Keep up the good work. Looks very good. Cheers.
I would like this to be add to xbmc
just drop them into the folder.
this new update. improve the logo so it's updated. it also adds a fan art which
is 1920x1080. so good quality. This update is…
Is anyone interested in helping? I will be updating this with specifics, but for now you can take a peek at:
Please use this address to check. eth-0x33FD426905F149f8376e227d0C9D3340AaD17aF1-2.
- [ ] The webview should calculate the high of image to stretch it in Artwork infor page.
This issue is going to be used to track the work on fields that we intend to show in the end of the year release.
# Artworks
## Types/Materials/Techniques
* Check 3M mappings:
- [ ] Frick
- OS Version- Latest iPhone
Hello, first of all I suddenly found books that I had incl artwork suddenly appear without the artwork and with a cloud sign, clicking on them gave an error mess…
I asked this in the Google Groups section and was redirected here. I am trying to permanently toggle artwork OFF, as my library consists of custom songs/files, which does not have artwork at all. …
Artist artwork gets stuck and remains overlayed subsequent browsing sometimes.
Video to demo issue.
I've not found what triggers it yet. The only way to resolve this is …
Очень хотелось бы увидеть поддержку встроенного арта для контейнера .m4a.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `ANTIj...@gmail.com` on 13 Apr 2010 at 9:01