Should `cylc play` offer an option to open `cylc tui` or `cylc gui`?
# i.e. this:
$ cylc play foo/run1 --tui
# as a shortcut for this:
$ cylc play foo/run1 && cylc tui foo/run1
abort on workflow timeout = True
workflow timeout = PT1S
abort handlers = echo "ALPHA"
workflow timeout handlers = echo "TANGO"
We can already access GraphiQL via the UIServer, should be easy to roll this into the UI?
See https://github.com/cylc/cylc-ui/issues/304#issuecomment-568605538
**Pull requests welcome!**
We could do with better documentation over the purpose of the workflow run dirs, (log share, work, ...?) and an explanation of how they are handled by (re)install.
One important thing to mention is…
Description below pasted verbatim from Element chat room (@oliver-sanders please edit if desired).
See also comments on #3766 and #3595 which this issue supersedes.
See also:
* #4981
* #3766
During the overview of the RTW at the workshop, @bouweandela suggested that the following line in, e.g. [esmvaltool/utils/recipe_test_workflow/recipe_test_workflow/site/metoffice.cylc](https://github.…
See also https://github.com/cylc/cylc-uiserver/issues/419
Presently the UI loads the UIS schema from which it gets the list of mutations.
This means that if the UIS is talking to two schedulers …
### Description
The [cylc.flow.unicode_rules.TaskNameValidator](https://cylc.github.io/cylc-doc/stable/html/_modules/cylc/flow/unicode_rules.html#TaskNameValidator) documentation states tha…
We are internally processing markdown for mutations.
We then inject this HTML code into the relevant component dynamically.
Security scanners don't like this as it looks like potential code inje…
Add Xtriggers into the Graph View.
The Cylc7 Graph View has basic support for Xtriggers, the Cylc8 Graph View has a lot more potential.
We should provide special representations for Cylc Flow bu…