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- [ ] bug report -> please search issues before submit…
9장을 읽으면서 OCP, DIP가 정말 공통점이 많다는 생각이 들었습니다.
둘 모두 유연한 설계를 위해서, 낮은 결합도를 위해서 지켜져야 하는 원칙이라는 점에서 같고
그 수단으로 추상화를 사용한다는 점에서 같았어요.
둘의 차이가 뭐라고 생각하시나요?
title Scores History
section 276e433faa57d6d9c582590cdf7aa32d4a4aae8e
message: 3: luzmagurzua
vulnerability: 4: luzmagurzua
section d36687ad6284c83ba54586c68a15c1fb44962682
IoC는 뭐고 DI는 뭔가요? 각각 설명해주세요
title Scores History
section da69761392a4f54bcd918682dbfff78dac58f708
message: 3: gustfernandez
vulnerability: 4: gustfernandez
#### Feature Description
As discussed today during the test harnesses community chat (https://github.com/AngularCommunity/angular-missions/issues/5), it was noticed that `@angular/cdk/testing` depe…
The issue started from the fact that the inversion of Matrix returns a boolean to inform the user if the matrix has been effectively inverted or not, and displays a message in the Messaging …
Dear colleagues @BioPhoton @hoebbelsB @Karnaukhov-kh , let's discuss the library structure.
The goals we will ultimately pursue are build speed and tree-shaking.
### Split big libraries
* [InversifyJS](https://github.com/inversify/InversifyJS) 是 Theia/VSCode 的基础,而且有丰富的[生态](https://github.com/inversify/InversifyJS/blob/master/wiki/ecosystem.md)
* 了解 SOLID / DIP / IoC / DI / IoC 容器的概念…