Create Use Case diagram and State Diagram for GRNmap
Hi Junior,
I hope everything is going great.
I have two question about the MSVAR estimation procedure.
1. To estimate any model, the default optimization procedure is "fmincon", am I right? I'…
The function `OLCheckPrimaryGamut` returns a boolean `inGamut`. It is unclear whether this refers to the _original_ input primaries being in gamut, or to the (possibly truncated) _output_ primaries be…
>> sdpvar x y
>> P = optimizer([x^2 + y^2 > P(.4)
Should have constant term .4^2+.4, but is only .4
Right now, optim() uses Nelder-Mead optimization, but that might be sub-optimal. Test other optimization methods - perhaps not using optim() but optimization methods from other packages.
When I call `getMultiStarts`, fmincon uses `options.localOptimizerOptions`.
When I call `getParameterProfiles`, fmincon uses `options.profileReoptimizationOptions`.
This makes no sense to me. I am…
When setting MaxFunEvals for fmincon they are overwritten in getMultiStarts with 400*parameters.number.
LoosC updated
6 years ago
Try using the BADS optimizer instead of pattern search for estimate camera translation. Might also try it instead of fmincon in the eyePose search for ellipse Fit or in the inverse pupil projection
I have the latest stable version of matpower. I'm not sure it applies to the development version.
In octave when octave-optim is not installed, have_fcn(fmincon) crashes.
`octave:3> test_matpowe…