- 自己实现“网页存档”还是使用ttrss内置的?
- feed分类
- 支持添加多url,并提取其中url(能否搞个类似GNE这样,自动提取网页主要内容?)
- 加个md编辑栏(用来添加图片什么的(比如缩略图))
- 评分
### 路由地址
### 完整路由地址
### 相关文档
### 预期是什么?
### Welcome
- [X] Yes, I'm using the latest major release. Only such installations are supported.
- [X] Yes, I'm using the latest Golang release. Only such installations are supported.
- [X] Yes,…
> **请勿上传任何暴力、色情、恐怖的信息或图片!**
### 反馈/建议
- 出现问题的版本:(
- 电脑系统:(win 10)
### 描述:
## Expected Behavior
Sorted Actress name and pic would be saved to the list for future use
## Current Behavior
The Actress info is not saving. Believe this is due to R18 becomes unavailable
节点正常可以访问https://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 和其他墙外网站,规则也是走代理的,但一直health check,重启过进程多次都能复现这个问题,Meta内核版本: alpha-633b9c04
[JavScript](https://sleazyfork.org/scripts/435360-javscript/code/JavScript.user.js) 脚本无法正常使用,提示 *GM_addElement is not a function at DOC.addEventListener.once (JavScript.user.js:1755:21)*.
iframe 内调用 …
### Please describe your bug
If the "thumb" item in the "actor" block is an abnormal image, it may cause Jellyfin to throw an exception while scanning the media.
error log:
jellyfin | […
### Verify steps
- [X] Is this something you can **debug and fix**? Send a pull request! Bug fixes and documentation fixes are welcome.
- [X] I have read the [Wiki](https://github.com/javtube/jellyfi…