The Join design pattern allows multiple concurrent processes or threads to be synchronized such that they all must complete before any subsequent tasks can proceed. This pattern is pa…
- join으로 클라이언트 채널 입장 요청시, invite only mode인지 확인, 그렇다면 올바른 에러코드 반환
- join으로 클라이언트 채널 입장 요청시, mode +k 인 경우 비밀번호 입력 안해주면 에러코드 반환
- join으로 클라이언트 채널 입장 요청시, mode +l 인 경우 채널 인원이 limit을 넘으면 에러코드 반환
- 성공…
Add any feature you think will benefit our catgirl.
If you don't have any artwork you can insert placeholder images with proper width and height for the object.
If you…
Request came in whether function can be implemented to join surveys by QR code and not by eMail invitation.
The active user in question explained that rolling out to dozens or hundreds of agents wi…
We have seen queries like:
COALESCE(l.id, r.id) FROM l INNER/LEFT JOIN r ON l.id=r.id
Here for both inner ad left joins we can simplify it to `l.id` since it's a join key. Similarly for th…
**Is your feature request related to a problem or challenge? Please describe what you are trying to do.**
For complex queries, like those in TCP-H and TCP-DS it is essential to find a good Join order…
java: 不兼容的类型: 推断类型不符合等式约束条件
推断: java.lang.Object
等式约束条件: cap…
Doesnt show anything when join new raid. Reload UI seems fix it.
### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe
I'm of the opinion that native support on JOIN queries in OpenSearch could be helpful for a lot of users using OpenSearch for Obser…
Django 4.2
django-cte 1.3.3
postgres 12
There is an SQL query that is needed to be performed via CTE in Django: