CodeIgniter 3.1.9 version help me
An uncaught Exception was encountered
Type: TypeError
Message: Return value of duncan3dc\Laravel\Directives::register() must be an instance of duncan…
Would be cool to see support for Laravel 7 and it's new `x-` component syntax.
Hi everyone!
Trying to use the forgot password feature I noticed that both views (email.blade.php and reset.blade.php) are still using the Laravel default files, so they extend the app.blade.php vi…
with an update from Laravel 9.34.0 to 9.36.3 I get this error when creating a view from database: **Illegal offset type in isset or empty**
I compared the files before and after the update a…
I wonder if twig has support for something similar, like Blade has - stacks? ( https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/blade#stacks )
thank you
hi guys ;
why when open file manager windows show this error on ckeditor:
"implode(): Invalid arguments passed (View: /Users/milad/Projects/ashraf_new/resources/views/vendor/laravel-filemanager…
Here is the error:
ErrorException (E_UNKNOWN)
Trying to get property of non-object (View: C:\xamppPHP5.4\htdocs\diqc-laravel\vendor\krafthaus\bauhaus\src\views\models\partials\_form.blade.php) (…
Bug whereby nested blade components are not parsed correctly via the `tree-sitter-html`
[see the discussion](https://github.com/EmranMR/tree-sitter-blade/discussions/19#discussioncomment-8774739)
Mano, seria legal utilizar um esquema de templates no seu projeto para não precisar repetir coisas, como os HTMLs
Dá uma olhada nessas engines:
- [Blade](https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/blade) - dá…
This extension works fine with .html and .php files, just not with laravel blade (.blade.php) files.
Don't think it supports Twig either...