The current "Find my Watch" functionality utilizes the call notification functionality. I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to separate this functionality into a separate watchapp **alongside** "Find my…
you have hardcoded faces offsets,
but it has multi support
here is a structure
Hi Daniel,
Thank you for your awesome project.
Can you kindly tell me, if there's a way to continuously measure a heart rate ? Not only by tapping on a button.
Waiting for your reply, thank you.
dx777 updated
6 years ago
julia> cholesky(Symmetric(BandedMatrix(0 => 1:∞)))
Cholesky{Float64, InfiniteLinearAlgebra.AdaptiveCholeskyFactors{Float64, BandedMatrix{Float64, Matrix{Float64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}, Banded…
No phone assistance would be needed.
Simply check if there's change in `wpa_supplicant.conf` file on SD card (it's not yet there) if so just use this config and don't parse nvram things
I'll make …
Hi, I saw your profile from the Juggluco repository/project.
I saw that you asked for protocol to connect Libre 2|3 sensors directly to watch supported Bangle JS. I did a lot of work to do the Jugglu…
مرحبًا مارك زوكربيرج اليتيم، أريد الإبلاغ عن حظر حسابي عمدًا، أخبرتك عن حظر حسابي بسبب البريد العشوائي، كنت أفتح الواتساب، فجأة تحدث معي أجنبي، قال إنه من ا…
Thanks for the project.
I have tried Volte but after a few iteration of calls, the UE wont able to call into another UE!
lets say after about 5 successfull calls, UE wont be able to call the ot…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
I have evaluated both room-assistant and monitor but I prefer the former to detect room-level presence.
However, the features o…
# 収録環境チェックリスト
* マイク位置、向きの確認
* PC/Zoom/録音ソフトの入出力先の確認
* 録音設定(48KHz/24bit/モノラル)の確認
* 録音レベル(-12db行かないくらい)の調整
* Wi-Fiオフ、有線接続確認
* Zoomの音声設定全オフ
* Zoomの高音質設定後、Macの場合はマイク選び直し
* Zoom開始後、詳細>オーディオで全員が48kに…