Per https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/dockervolumes/, docker-engine only has access to `%USERPROFILE%` on Windows and `$HOME` on OS X. One possible way to make `MINIMESOS_DIR` correct on Wind…
In minimesos the containers are running on the host docker daemon, not on individual slaves like in the real world. This means when Mesos reports the host that the task is about to be run, the ip addr…
The system tests fail on Jenkins because the old minimesos version isn't compatible with docker 1.8.
When I start my minimesos cluster and create a container through Marathon, the app gets reported as having a hostname of random characters and port instead of the IP and port like I'd expect. It'll s…
Currently only the Master IP address token is replaced in the Marathon JSON file. Also support Zookeeper.
from #216, I'm glad to see `MesosSlaveExtended` being deleted. Should you consider getting rid of extensions of `MesosMaster`?
Spin off #185. Providing name of the cluster from configuration file
If people accidentally call cluster.start more than once, you get an obscure docker id error.
com.github.dockerjava.api.ConflictException: Conflict. The name "minimesos-zookeeper-3160310531-39578…