NLP子任务: 分词, 实体识别 NER,文本分类,相似度判别, 机器翻译,文摘系统,事件抽,词性标注,句法分析,指代消解,语义Parse。
舆情监测系统: 文本分类,关键词(短语)抽取,实体识别,时间抽取,文本聚类,相似度判别,文本摘要。
小模型: fasttext
I am trying to understand the situation a bit, I am fairly sure that one month ago I read a tutorial on the keras website showing how to use MiT backbone in a SegFormer for image segmentation.
# 어텐션 메커니즘 (Attention Mechanism) : Seq2Seq 모델에서 Transformer 모델로 가기까지 | Reinventing the Wheel
Example - https://twitter.com/marielgoddu/status/1784709899357716521
This task is part of the KerasHub project ( Consolidating all of KerasCV and KerasNLP models in to one place)
Models from KerasCV will be added to KerasNLP in KerasNLP infrstructure style. The develop…
I am getting the following error when I try running `report_numerical_issues()` from the DiagnosticToolbox. I should note that this was working fine until I updated my WaterTAP environment--just haven…
### Deep Learning Simplified Repository (Proposing new issue)
:red_circle: **Project Title** : ChatGPT Paraphrases Analysis using NLP
:red_circle: **Aim** : The aim of this project to analyze the Ch…
Add support for the [FATROP solver](https://github.com/meco-group/fatrop) via the recently added support through CasADi's nlpsol.
1. Adding FATROP as a dependency
2. Updating the CasADi…
* **Please tell us about yourself (include an email address):**
Name: Ahmed Djalal HACINI
Email: ahmed.hacini@ensia.edu.dz
* **Your purpose in using this API:**
The purpose of using th…