Rare bug, hard to reproduce.
Error's log:
[ERROR][2024-02-09 14:12:56] ...lsp/handlers.lua:535"Ruff: Lint failed (
error: Ruff crashed. If you could open an issue at:
Hi there,
In the process of trying to fix my ale, reason-language-server, languageclient-neovim set up, I stumbled over this repo and I totally forgot about it.
I then realized its quite stale.
Scrolling using mousewheel causes selection in vim-startify
if empty(glob('~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim'))
silent !curl -fLo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
Says in the readme that this project was inspired by efm-langserver but there's no comparison. How is this project better/different?
Hello, thanks for this wonderful implementation. I contributed previously to vim-floaterm and then used my own functions for a while, but now I'm migrating to init.lua and will adopt FTerm instead.
It works fine with nvim-0.8.x but failed to work with nvim github latest(NVIM v0.9.0-dev-1248+g204a8b17c)
I can not reproduce with minium vimrc.
The issue seems to related to this line:
works locally.
other test fail locally (but not on CI). --> #767
#764 is blocked on this.
It seems that language server completions are not suggested for snippets inside paired delimiters. This makes it difficult to use ALE in conjunction with a delimiter auto-pairing plugin (or when deli…
Thanks for this interesting project.
I would like to use it with `pylint` for `python` in `neovim` (with its builtin client).
Unfortunately if I make many changes to the file (like deleting multip…
Steps to reproduce:
1. Find a `WORKSPACE`. I think any file with multiple load statements will do, but this is the one I used to repro: