So recently there has been a patch update with python and it affects how int/str conversions work, putting a cap on those conversions to 4300 characters for non-base 2 ints. Is there a decent chance t…
Cordial greetings I have had the following error in the installation of the tool in google colab which does not allow me to run the calculations, attached capture
#@title **Install dependencies**
## Environment Information
Open Babel version: 3.1.1
Operating system and version: Win10
## Expected Behavior
import openbabel
import openbabel.pybel as pybel
mol = pybel.…
Hello there,
I would like to implement or suggest a new feature to implement in the obabel SMILE generation.
That would be to enable obabel to print the atom indices behind the SMILES string in th…
## Environment Information
Open Babel version: Open Babel 3.1.0
Operating system and version: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
## Expected Behavior
protonate a ligand from a PDB file and save a protonated PD…
I'm the maintainer of [PyBEL](https://github.com/pybel/pybel) which compiles knowledge stored in Biological Expression Language into a NetworkX MultiDiGraph. I don't think it would be so hard to trans…
I was trying to run a command for preparecovalent.py on python 3.10.4, and I get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ahmed/Downloads/adCovalentDockResidue/adcovalent/prepa…
I was trying to run a command for preparecovalent.py on python 3.10.4, and I get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ahmed/Downloads/adCovalentDockResidue/adcovalent/prepare…
RuntimeError: This event loop is already running
We have previously run this code successfully. However, we have facing some issues now.
Whenever we tried to install the dependencies we have ended…
Debian Bullseye/Jupyterlab
Copied making-it-rain-main files and sub-directories to Miniconda/envs/Jupyterlab/CC. Opened CHARMM_GUI in Notebook. Here are the results:
Open In Colab
Hello the…