**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Moonlight on iOS lacks proper touch control.
I cannot scroll by touch in iPad. These touch function works properly at Android Environ…
Awesome project that thought me a quite a bit about dll sideloading. However, I'm reading your post here https://reposhub.com/cpp/miscellaneous/tothi-dll-hijack-by-proxying.html and I was wondering if…
Sideloading is a pain in iOS, but this looks like a really nice no-nonsense Solitaire program, and I would love to be able to sideload it on my grandmother’s iPad to replace the ad infested solitaire …
### Describe the feature
Currently the Application will throw an Unknown Error when you try to Sideload an app whilst not connected to a Wifi Network. This can be confusing to less knowledgeable User…
### Is your feature request related to a problem?
I have a iOS app that creates a VPN connection that I would like to run on macOS. The app opens normally in PlayCover, but fails when creating the VP…
I don't really know how to contact Edge developers officially so I'd like to explain my pains somewhere.
Developing a WebExtension in Edge with dev flag enabled and sideloading works fine (at …
See ```MATCH (n) WHERE exists(n.description) AND size(n.description) > 1 RETURN n LIMIT 25```
and ```MATCH (n) WHERE exists(n.comment) AND size(n.comment) > 1 RETURN n LIMIT 25```
for examples.
I want to donate money in order for you to continue
your unbelievable great work!
Can you build in a "buy a coffee" Button into the app or just link some possibility to donate on the github?
When the progress of sideloading hits around `Progress: 0.535+` I get a bunch of repeated errors. This is the last part of the log:
Progress: 0.521841155234657
Progress: 0.5219614921780987
xoniq updated
7 months ago
I got a request for this but don't have a BB to even attempt to tackle and try
it. But I thought I would post here there is an Android Player for BB. You
can convert APK to BAR files...