I LOVE YOUR IDEA. I just ordered one of the "standard" closed loop controler for a nema17, but yours is definitely one step above...
However, I have some requests/additional ideas here...…
It would be great to display return addresses in the `telescope`, `stack` etc outputs.
I initially worked on it in https://github.com/pwndbg/pwndbg/pull/794 but the patch had some issues.
We sho…
Observatories table should contain also full human-readable names, which can then be used in generating the text for publication. For example, TJO_MEIA3, says nothing.
Tested on Windows 11
I don't know if that is how its supposed to be, but running Telescope conduct project or sessions displays windows in which all of the items are full paths to conduct folder (f…
Hello friends,
Friendly PSA that updating Telescope to 0.1.6 broke my install of this plugin. For some reason calling
```:lua require('telescope').extensions.git_worktree.git_worktrees()```
**Request**: add a 'telescope_name' field for each constrain, to enable filtering
**Issues**: the only problem is the time needed to manually going back to each entry and retrieve these info
Move LSST_obsc_radii and LSST_obsc_motion to a file somewhere...
Sorry I had to put it as an issue but I tried Telescope Control Plugin with Indilib and it's working perfectly over IP
i think integrating this package with [Telescope](https://github.com/TelescopeJS/Telescope) whould be a better starter package than the provided one, as many meteor community is familiar with that.
### Description
I am working on a directory with huge git submodules, many gigabytes worth of code. It takes 3 seconds to run `git status`.
It also takes 3 seconds to load the directory, and this de…