The current heatmap code places 001 at the lower left, while `project_point` places 100 at the lower left. My thought was that these conventions should match just in case you want to scatter and color…
Not sure if this affects anything major, but it's worth noting at this stage: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggtern/index.html
The tree highlighting in the view labels tab bolds paths. This works well for
small trees, but is essentially invisible for large trees with many terminals.
An alternate approach is to grey out…
In Isoplot, when creating the Tera-Waserburg plot the fifth column (the error correction; or p in Topsoil) is not required. It seems that a token fifth column is required in Topsoil to produce the plo…
I am familiar with ternary plots for phase diagrams, like so: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ternary_plot
How does it apply to the plots in this paper?
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p5pRT updated
11 years ago