I run test for notebook in my environment and found problem when process test for selenium, notebook extension, etc. It looks like a spelling problem:
34 @…
### Bug description
In short: jupyterhub.SingleUserApp does not pass the API token to notebook.NotebookApp, and because of that the token does not appear when listing running notebooks.
In detail:…
We could recommend to people to use `nbzip` if they want to take their work offline
Originally reported by @ReubenTheDS in https://github.com/jupyterhub/the-littlest-jupyterhub/issues/638.
### Proposed change
Add some info in the docs about the authenticators that ship wit…
### Bug description
The following message is displayed when trying to launch the server (found using sudo journalctl -xeu jupyter-[USER].service -f )
Traceback (most recent call last):
### Proposed change
End points such as /hub/authorize and /hub/change-password don't seem to appear in the UI (I use the Lab UI - possibly "change password" appears in the notebook UI?). It wo…
### Proposed change
Add a "change password" button to the JupyterHub navigation bar, which points to the already existing ".../hub/auth/change-password" page. (Similar to what nativeauthenticator has…
e.g. could use https://colab.research.google.com/
On the littlest jupyterhub environment
The example works fine on jupyterhub but I have the message
"Error displaying widget" with jupyterlab
Jupyterlab 0.35.6
ipympl 0.3.3
Matplotlib 3.1…
### Proposed change
So I was looking at the following plugin which uses the new user creation hook: https://github.com/LTluttmann/tljh-repo2user-dir
I was wondering is it possible to create a …