I entered :DBUI; a menu popped up. I pressed ?, which suggested that I type A. I pressed A and got this error message.
I tried entering the connection URL directly. I also got this message.
I res…
pkail updated
3 years ago
I'm running NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1157-g0ab88c2ea on Win10 in Powershell and setup up vim-dadbod to access an oracle DB. (I also tried the lasted nightly build)
But I get this strange error which is sayi…
Is there a way to add a --quiet option to the postgresql connection? Without --quiet, by default psql displays configuration messages set in ~/.psqlrc at the start, and these are interpreted by vim-da…
I am using this with ElixirLS and LSP and as I type new parameters to the function it is not moving with it. Also, the panda seems to disappear when moving to the second param. See example scre…
Hi there
I know this might be more vim related question, but first time I am dealing with such a thing is in this plugin.
How would you set below for `g:db_ui_table_helpers` at `.vimrc`?
hey, thanks for the plugin!
I saw your config https://github.com/kristijanhusak/neovim-config/blob/bleeding-edge/nvim/lua/partials/completion.lua#L18 and tried to do the same:
return function(…
With #80 we have saved buffer filenames with human readable date inside.
After some months of working with this plugin I figured I needed another filename format.
We would provide user callbac…
Everything was good until I run last update in vim (Using vim-plug), now schemas from Postgres DBs are missing:
I saw in readme on the screen that there are pluses used as vertical boundaries, but see nothing about such customizations in docs :(
I think it would be convinient to put the executed query in the result window that helps the remember what was queried for in case when navigating between buffers with results still open.