Hallo, ich versuche bereits seit 5 Stunden Rabatte pro Position hinzubekommen. Ist dies überhaupt möglich?
Wenn die Positionen keine Rabatte haben, funktioniert mein Code einwandfrei. Vielen Dank s…
first thank's for the great library! Just updated from SynPdf to mormot.ui.pdf without any issues!
I want to generate a PDF invoice conforming german ZugFERD / XRechnung standard. So i have…
I am currently migrating to XRechnung 3.0.1 to comply with the latest standards. We previously specified transport costs at the document level using `InvoiceDescriptor.AddTradeAllowanceCharge`.…
broken down from #254, submitted by @goedo
InvoiceDescriptor22Writer.cs, 404
if (tradeLineItem.TaxCategoryCode != TaxCategoryCodes.O) // notwendig, damit die Validieru…
When creating a ZUGFeRD / XRechnung invoice the DueDate of the invoice won't set even if im setting it in **setDocumentInformation()** via **$effectiveSpecifiedPeriod** nor with **addDocumentPaymentTe…
broken down from #254, submitted by @goedo
InvoiceDescriptor22Writer.cs, 285
#region ChargePercentage
**Describe the bug**
The newly introduced setter to set amount decimals for a specific schema does only work for the first item added to the document. The next item will have a different node path, e…
broken down from #254, submitted by @goedo
InvoiceDescriptor22Writer.cs, later
if (tradeLineItem.TaxCategoryCode != TaxCategoryCodes.O) // notwendig, damit die Validie…
I'm using ZUGFeRD2PullProvider with the profile XRechnung.
1. How can I add an itemdiscount?
I have an item with quantity 10, 19% Vat, Gross-Price: 10 EUR and 2 EUR discount. The gross…
The following code:
Produces (using XRechnung3 Profile):