first of all, thank you for a great tool!
Recently we have bought a 3D scanner for digitalization of the actual electrode location on subject's head.
You can see the scanner and the usage in …
It'd be nice to be able to directly visualise here. According to the trimesh doc, it's as simple as
- install `networkx`, `scipy`, `pyglet`
- add `combined.show()`
So I tried that, but I just get…
Hi there, firstly, thank you for providing the code and sharing it with the community.
Im trying to import a .asc file that came from my 3d scanner (cr scan lizard) which exports as .asc file as i'…
We're having a quick look at the sense scanner again and the software link online wasn't working and it looks like support is being discontinued.
So it seemed prudent to grab the docs and install…
Congratulations for the excellent work.
I would like to suggest, if possible, to also focus on the hardware part, so as to allow everyone to create their own handheld 3d scanner, thus sharing the inf…
As the tltle described, I have a PhoXi 3D Scanner, but I am not sure if I can use these examples to control it to obtain pointcloud or other images.
The scanner and projector is amazing, but it would be even more amazing if it would render in more colours.
Perhaps if JourneyMap is detected, it can use it's saved pallete map to render the display?
_From @sconklin on January 20, 2015 23:40_
Originally reported by: **Susan Spencer (Bitbucket: [susanlspencer](https://bitbucket.org/susanlspencer), GitHub: Unknown)**
Could anyone recommend a [portable 3D scanner](https://www.revopoint3d.com/), please?
1.激光雷达(LiDAR)传感器 - **LIVOX AVIA**
2.惯性测量单元(IMU)- **AVIA Build in IMU**
3. 摄像头(Camera)-
4. 计算机(Onboard Comput…