I would like to have some check rule to ensure ABAPDoc comments have been added to
1. a class
2. public and protected parts (methods, attributes, types etc.)
3. private parts
I always en…
In the guide the following section is included:
I don…
**Describe the bug**
When using code together, the client can't open types like programs other than the host has opened, while they are still visible in the explorer. You can however open classes fin…
Why Session BDC is recommended for bulk data
authorizations and injection stuff
The abap docs should provide a better documentation about our classes and interfaces.
Currently we use md file to referenz collector classes. This than can be used link the collectors with example d…
Goala updated
3 years ago
Tutorials: https://developers.sap.com/tutorials/abap-environment-behavior-action.html
Write here how you think we can improve the tutorial ...
I want to sha…
As ABAP can now be [located in git](https://github.com/larshp/abapGit), we should provide a way to parse ABAP code which is annotated for CTM
I dont think BRF+ is released for ABAP Cloud Programming model? So I suggest moving it to HOLD if that is the case