Hello, every 01!
I am trying to compile LSD-SLAM on a Raspberry Pi 2. I got ROS installed and all dependencies mentioned are available now. I changed the CMakeList.txt in lsd_slam_core to get past so…
I use the https://github.com/urbste/ORB_SLAM3/tree/master code to run orbslam3. But the tracking is lost.
Can you give some video examples video files(mp4) like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?…
Hi! I am attempting to install lsd-slam on ubuntu 12.04, and ros fuerte.
I have cloned the git repository.
when i run 'rosmake lsd-slam'
it gives me:
...[ rosmake ] All 13 linessd_slam_core: 4.6 s…
Multiple errors during compilation, no idea how to deal with this.
[ rosmake ] Last 40 linesd_slam_viewer: 45.6 sec ] …
[ rosmake ] Last 40 lineso_slam: 16.0 sec ] [ 1 Active 74/75 Comp…
[rosmake-0] Starting >>> mk [ make ]
[rosmake-0] Finished
I have my viewer set to yield about 60ms to the host to keep the frame rate down while I am doing other things such as playing another game like The Elder Scrolls Online. It usually hovers around 10fp…
I'm currently trying to run ORB SLAM 3 with Intel realsense t265 in Stereo Inertial mode. I can run the ORB SLAM 3, but the map resets for every 10 frames and I couldnt solve it by any me…
I compile the lsd_slam by typing: rosmake lsd_slam. But I get some failures, which shows that "[ rosmake Built 41 packages with 1 failures]". Can you kindly help me solve the problem? Below are the wh…
When you get the buff "Incanter's Absorption" by absorbing fire damage with Fire Ward active, can you extend the snapshot buff duration by using a sulfuron slammer as indicated in this video?