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## Config Migration Needed
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* **Markwon version**: _4.1.1_
Hi There,
Does the library support emojis out of the box already?
Angular does not have a good repository for converting emoticons, and this could definitely be integrated into this app.
We attempted angular emoticons (pratik60/angular-emoticons), which would conve…
Testing on Nexus
Face is not getting detected.
I recently added your repo for the Howdy ebuild, but I noticed several packages are now no longer working with "$ equery u ". This is with gentoolkit 0.6.1-r3 and Python 3.11.5.
The error I see is…
On android, apps are sometimes fully stopped and sometimes just in a suspended background state that is restored when reopening the app. In the latter case, no issues. In the former, i.e. when the app…
I'm asking for permission to update this source code. Can I submit a pull request?
I've seen this symptom twice now, where when I open the app, the first note (whatever it happens to be) is completely cleared and replaced with empty content (no title, no file body). This resu…