As an API consumer I want to the information "token" in header of the requests be changed to "Authorizarion" and its contents starts with "Bearer " to make it compatible with others systems.
Cuando pongo:
// Authorizarion: Token abcdef12345
type: apiKey
in: header
name: Authorization
Y luego le doy al botón de Authenticate…
Thanks for this passport strategy, it has been very useful!
I'm new to passport, and have been using this strategy to authenticate with Oracle IDCS. I have the need to request a second bearer token…
I'm surprised that I don't see anyone else mentioning this, because it's been an issue ever since I started using mosca. When I run mosca with over ~4000 clients, and the server is restarted, the CPU …
### Expected Flow
1. User is asked for a phone no.
2. Taping or clicking over the + 54 9 (shown before) should display a full list of countries to select.
Default could be browser’s local…