I've noted some logical issues with the new functionality of sending voltage as telemetry (version 2024.9.23)
- the initial state of this function is enabled, even though the web config switch is o…
since I own a Icom Dstar handset that is not capable to send APRS packets, I was hoping to set up a simple APRS/DPRS gateway on my Raspberry PI. However, the only software I know which is able…
I am using a script for beaconing:
`beacon timeout 20 exec /home/pi/APRS/aprs_eddt.sh`
After a certain amount of time (some days or more), the result of the script is no more recognized by APRX, th…
since I own a Icom Dstar handset that is not capable of sending APRS packets, I was hoping to set up a simple APRS/DPRS gateway on my Raspberry Pi. However, the only software I know which is a…
`if (BatteryIsConnected) { aprsmsg += " - _Bat.: " + batteryVoltage + "V - Cur.: " + batteryChargeCurrent + "mA"; }` (line 239 of LoRa_APRS_Tracker.cpp) should be inside of `if (!(rate_limit_mess…
**Describe the bug**
Wanted to see if it was transmitting a beacon with th…
I was looking for an APRS-IS proxy so I can use [Track Direct](https://github.com/qvarforth/trackdirect) to have a local map of heard stations without the deduping behaviour and still forward …
Would be nice to have the option of NOT using a roster and filtering (or not) by APRS beacon comment/status. eg. !SKYWARN!
Hey guys, I'll totally close this and post it somewhere else if it's more appropriate. But I'm trying to determine a use case for this. I use an FTM-400 in my Ford and have a spare one I can use for…
Hello, let me tell you that I think your project is great and very useful.
With a group of friends we go out to the mountains frequently and it would be ideal to be able to carry an APRS tracker.