# Research papers
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# Impact stories
- [Artificial intelligence to help predict Arctic sea ice loss](https://www.turing.ac.uk/news/artificial-intelligence-help-predict-arctic-sea-ice-l…
Biggest One: a new name!
Can we change the url by tomorrow so I have time to change the links on our website and the curriculum?
Something more fitting to its content... like:
The WMO GCW report combined definition is:
A dome-shaped mass of glacier ice that spreads out in all directions; an ice cap is usually larger than an icefield but less than an ice sheet (typically …
Domain Name Options
| ARCTICprogram | TheARCTICprogram |
| :--------------------------------------: | :----------------------: |
| ~~ARCTICprogram.com~~ ($3K in…
dayne updated
6 years ago
- [Collected list of ASG “gems”](https://thealanturininstitute-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/arao_turing_ac_uk/ETV-miIocs1Lv4Ss305GLG8B45egy4bx-NyP480dHBe3JQ?e=guPQDu) -- **INTERNAL to Turing peopl…
Many datasets are referenced by their URL in the text rather than Their DOI per se. I think that scythe should be able to detect these, even if they do some URL-escaping on the URL. Here's an [example…
all official stories were modified in the JSON representation in eodash repo https://github.com/eurodatacube/eodash/commit/575d4deeb4bfb0fa22b59ef4d07af9550a31ceb2
but it should be still fixed in t…
@ezhilsabareesh8 has found T50 [near the Siberian coast](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Z97pK6gQc679d4h46) in December in the 0.25° configuration.
We suspect the excessive salinity is caused by excessive …
Brainstorm a list of more granular learning modules, and outline a logical teaching sequence for them.
## Background
In the proposal, we outlined six broad topic areas for the curriculum, and pr…
A series of 24+ Advancements for Aquaculture. For now, their rewards are minor but later on they may reward unique bobbers for fishing (as seen in other notes.)
Names, descriptions, etc. subject to…