I think a search for "some phrase" (with the quotes) should also match "some-phrase" and "some_phrase" exactly
relevant to beatmap searching because it's been a common practice for years to tag gue…
So I was able to play today, and like 3-4 hours later I got a message that it failed to download the songs. Is it because the server is down (I made a fork of this repo and it displays that message, a…
I'm doing a project and I need this information, but getting it is very complicated, I have to make a number of unnecessary requests to get this information
发生了未知错误,请访问 github.com/StageGuard/OsuMapSuggester/issues 并提交以下错误:
java.util.NoSuchElementException: List is empty.
My friends and I are trying to make a collection manager for osu!
We store collections in our own file format (that obviously doesn't contain the mapsets) and we have to download the mapsets in order…
I think it’s important that every aspect of a mapset is properly credited and attributed. Obviously we can currently identify the songs title and artist but having a space for the background artist cr…
_get_beatmaps_ works with _beatmapset_id_ and _beatmap_id_, but why can't we request data with the beatmap hash?
osu! replays contain only beatmap hashes, so we have no way to get beatmap information …
This is a common practice for a difficulty to be mapped by two or more mappers as a collaboration, however the new system lets users to choose one guest mapper per difficulty only. Perfectly, it would…
When a difficulty is a collab the mapper can specify each part with timestamps, so when there's a mod with timestamps on several parts it will be easier for mappers in the collab to check their own pa…
https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1054659&m=2 hasn't been updated since 2017 so should not be marked pending