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New XRISM collaboration paper: The XRISM/Resolve view of the Fe K region of Cyg X-3
@ethrane and @kauchettl propose this as a key question. This question would cover all manner of things related to neutron stars. We expect some synergy with Group 1.2 (Stars, Planets, & the Galaxy). T…
I have pages with three columns separated by black column separator, but sometimes during the process, the black lines are recognized as character, does any one have idea how to solve that? Besides, s…
It appears that HiGHS does not check the time_limit option during presolve.
I have a model that spends a lot of time in presolve. It does not stop on the time limit while presolve is running, but doe…
While working on some workflows using the `3D Object Counter` I discovered a bug where 8-bit binary images created from ImageJ Ops (_i.e._ the output from a threshold op) and converted to `ImagePlus` …
(Note more than a bug this is a note that hopefully will help others)
You can use the following command:
>arm-none-eabi-objcopy -I binary -O elf32-little --change-section-address .data=0x0000…
http://uniqush.org/documentation/usage.html does not have a health check. The closest is /version or /psps, but those don't establish that the connections are active.
For example, in extraordinary …
The Australian Government recognises astronomy as a flagship science and there has been significant financial investment for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). LOFAR is currently the best low frequency…
In my project I need square images so I need to crop a section off the left and right of each capture.
It would be nice if this was done within the library as part of capture().
Hi, I try to find all the objects in the image automatically. I used below code.
``` python
import numpy as np
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2
import glob
def show_anns(…