![Screenshot (230)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/65075830/112498582-03b47380-8dca-11eb-98be-420e6ba43652.png)
@mogaika when i import Blades of Chaos from GoW 2 E3 Demo it give crash...…
## Problem
Even when I set the [htmlWhitespaceSensitivity](https://prettier.io/docs/en/options.html#html-whitespace-sensitivity) rule to `strict`, the plugin keeps turning this:
luveq updated
7 months ago
### Ability name
Culling blade against Battle Trance
### Description
Hello ! I was wondering why when i play troll warlord, Axe ultimate always kill me when im in active battle trance. I read on …
### Issue Details
Running sideload-createuidef.sh on the demo results in the script opening the wrong URL.
Enabling -x in the bash script I see the correct URL:
`+ echo 'https://portal.azure.com/…
[root@xxxchaosblade-1.0.0]# ./blade create mysql -h
Mysql experiment contains delay and exception by table name and so on.
blade create mysql [flags]
blade create mysql [comm…
Since i switched on app insight opentelemetry dependency incompatibilities fights back. I still don't have an explanation as version
opentelemetry-instrumentation==0.47b0 used in requirements.txt d…
Can you provide some demos for common templating engines, like
- [mustache](https://github.com/bobthecow/mustache.php)/[handlebars](https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy)
- [twig](https://twig.sym…
aolko updated
10 months ago
I have a older thinkpad and I cannot run the Zed editor because blade requires newer opengl features (BUFFER_STORAGE and DYNAMIC_ARRAY_SIZE)... Is there any chance these can be made optional?
I ran `php artisan mingle:install`, and it added the code to resolve the `@mingle` alias, as well as the `vue` plugin, but it failed to add `import path from 'path'` and `import vue from '@vi…
**## Issue Description**
As per instructions, I successfully pulled **docker.io/chaosbladeio/chaosblade-demo** and ran **docker run --it --privileged chaosbladeio/chaosblade-demo**
Unable to inject …