Sentry Issue: [METAMASK-MOBILE-29PT](https://metamask.sentry.io/issues/5036722155/?referrer=github_integration)
File "RCTMinimizer.m", line 24, in -[RCTMinimizer goBack]
# Feature or enhancement
### Proposal:
According to [the comment](https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/113e70efa2b932a3ad2662875114133a1edb600c/Lib/bdb.py#L412) in the Breakpoint class
> Ke…
Lately, when removing a breakpoint at some point in the debugging process (execution is properly pausing somewhere), this removal is performed only visually: no breakpoint is visible any more and it d…
perhaps it's due of my configuration but I can't seem to see the breakpoint when dap started,
while the debugger stopped it shows as expected on the fringe:
Atualmente estamos considerando 25em no tema. Porém para dispositivos móveis com a tela um pouco maior (475px por ex), o Breakpoint não é aplicado.
Alterar o breakpoint para 57em (912px).
The C# Dev Kit debugger allows excluding exceptions from a breakpoint by prefixing with "!". For example, to break on all exceptions except `System.ObjectDisposedException`, you set this in the VS Cod…
We need to define what our breakpoints are and define them as tokens so we can export them as css variables (even if media queries doens't support it [yet](https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-5/#custom…
有时由于 CSRF 保护机制,相同 URL 的相同请求会失败。
可以添加类似于 Charles Proxy 中的 Breakpoints 或 BurpSuite 中的 Intercept 这样的功能吗?如果在开启状态时能够编辑请求,那将是一个非常棒的功能。
All of a sudden all breakpoints in DevTools are invisible. They still function normally but I cannot see the breakpoint symbol and the line highlight:
@max-messmer reported in the update on RHDC from previous version of RHDS to 2.1.0 that `rh-card` appeared to have a smaller margin.
I believe the problem lies in at point we switched from `@media`…