We have an example (this one https://lethe-cfd.github.io/lethe/documentation/examples/dem/rotating-drum-with-postprocessing/rotating-drum-with-postprocessing.html) which is literally useless since it …
I am working with Pygran in WSL. Initially I faced the error of latex could not be found. I installed latex then I was able to perform visco elastic and elastoplastic models.
When I try to run a…
when I am running the code cfdemsolverrhopimplechem. I am getting the error "Coupling files cannot be removed". Does anyone know about this. Please reply
wieder weitere Phishing-Domänen:
boticasfarmavicplus.com (URL ist htt…
Dear Xiaoh,
I tried to install this code as you explained in readme with Allwmake.sh but I faced two issue to install the package.
lammpsFoam.C:41:17: fatal error: mpi.h: No such file or dire…
I followed the steps you mentioned in your documentation.
I got this error while running this command:
The message is below:
No equation is considered for tangential damping yet
“Selecting momCoupleModel: implicitCouple
Construct implicitCouple model...
ERROR on proc 6: Illegal length used in CfdDatacouplingMPI::allocate_external (../cf…
Hi there.
I pulled the docker image and I am having some issues.
First of all I expected the image to create a container that I could run interactively but I can't.
Secondly, when I try to run the…
When you use some utility to analyse the compilation's times in Kratos (see https://opensource.adobe.com/lagrange-docs/dev/compilation-prof…