Salut bande de développeur⋅se⋅s,
Votre appli déchire, bien le merci ! :1st_place_medal:
Je l'ai réinstallée depuis le store parce que la version de fdroid est plus trop a jour (les camemberts s'a…
POC maken (Python worker) voor ophalen van documenten uit iBabs agenda's op basis van SOAP API
[Beschrijving iBabs Public WCF Service-2-1.pdf](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/17542409/Besch…
The nanoColor project will not be using LUTs, but does want to support all built-in transforms. However, some of the built-in transforms are implemented using a Lut1D. It would be helpful to replace t…
- 360 photo?
- make site responsive (possible redesign?)
@CIEspost we will need to do the busines plan for CIE then we do the SEO
then we can design and build a website. I think since we are d…
Hello, I am writing this ticket in English language cause some fellow Fedora developers will intervene in this discussion.
I would like to package CIE Middleware for Fedora, in order to redistribute …
Musl builds of the shim are throwing a `libunwind` error at startup. The app still works:
$ curl -L https://github.com/fermyon/spin/releases/download/canary/spin-canary-static-linux-amd…
- [ ] Différences caractères/paragraphes/sections
- [ ] Mise en page, etc...
- [ ] Principes de base
- [ ] Formules (= )
- [ ] Tableaux croisés dynamiques
- [ ] Graphiques
**Describe the bug**
When including subshells in command arguments, sometimes they work, and sometimes they don't. The number of variables that affect this outcome is too large to test every possib…
cie moved
Our optimization process does not do a good job with dark colours and actually fails miserably, we should revise our approach: