Hi Erik,
I attended your PyDX presentation about deep learning and I finally got around to try out my own CNN development with Theano and Lasagne. I looked through your code examples and your Caffe …
Probably start with Xception and DenseNet
I tried to use SHAP for a multi-input (single output) classification architecture consisting of three CNN branches. However, I wasn't very successful with the code as I couldn't find a similar…
Create a CfC predictor
CfC docs: https://ncps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/torch.html
## To Do
- Layers for the neural network
Earlier layers: Transfer learning from ResNet
Later Layers: ( ( CONV + RELU + BATCH + DROPOUT) * N + POOL) * M
- Things we want to classify
- What is…
Explain the architecture and training process of a convolutional neural network (CNN).
The network structure used in BAGAN paper is restnet18, but not here. How to modify the network structure to adapt to other larger data sets?
### Idea Contribution
- [X] I have read all the feature request issues.
- [X] I'm interested in working on this issue
- [X] I'm part of GSSOC organization
### Explain feature request
This tutorial …