This is a list of the 1556 projects that are listed on an outdated URI in Bower, along with their current location.
a: /bevacqua/a -> /bevacqua/contra
ace-latest: /wangshijun2010/ace -> /wangshij…
ionic말고 순수 cordova 예제로 사용법을 알려주실수 있으신가요?
카카오 링크를 구현해야 하는데 이 플러그인의 사용법을 모르겠어요.. ㅠㅠ
#### What version of pinpoint are you using?
#### Describe your problem**
Agent not attaching to java application server(spring based application)
jdk1.7 and jre1.8
#### What ha…
@rakuco Very nice to see crosswalk project moving onwards.
Can we upgrade crosswalk to chrome59 directly? It have many improvements : especially 20% average performance improvments for android.
코르도바 네이버 api 관련 검색하고 들어왔습니다.
그런데 어떻게 사용해야할지 잘모르겠네요 ㅠㅠ
ionic-plugin-naver getting-start 도중 아직까지 원인모를 no value for name 에러 때문에 진도가 안나가져서요..
this.naver.login().then(res => {
alert("로그인 - " + JSON.…
_**Edit** (April 2014): Updated by @paulirish & @sheerun_
Package unregistering will be available via `bower unregister ` soon, but for now, you can unregister packages yourself using `curl`, if the …