I have my component:
const vm = new Vue({
el: '#FormVue',
directives: {mask},
validator: null,
data() {
return Object.assign({
name: '',
I'm attempting to use this library to mask some of my `TextFormField` fields. However, when I add the controller attribute using the `MaskedTextController`, whenever I tap on the next field or e…
To reach our stable version we should add at least the following features.
- [ ] CNPJ Generator
- [ ] CNPJ Formatter
- [ ] CPF Generator
- [ ] CPF Formatter
**Describe the feature**
Currently, the Validator.js library does not have a validation function for CPF (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number), an identification document widely used in Brazil.…
Hi, we want to do the following:
- until 11 digits, we want to use the cel-phone mask.
- after that, we would like to allow the user to input how many digits he/she likes (up until 15 digits), to su…
`isCPF` says this is…
TypeError in PessoaFisicasController#update
"can't cast Cpf to string"
"if @pessoa_fisica.update(pessoa_fisica_params)"
Erro ocorre ainda no passagem de parâmetros no controller para o model.
Só oco…
Quer precisar, mandei um PR.
Enquanto não aprova, pode usar:
url: https://github.com/erickhaendel/dart-cpfcnpj.git
### Why is this issue important?
See User Story here https://github.com/usdigitalresponse/cpf-reporter/issues/73
This is an issue in the sequence of tickets to ensure the CPF reporter can accept…
Pessoal estou tentando fazer algo pareceido com o Nubank ao digitar a chave Pix que detecta enquanto digita qual o tipo da chave e aplica a formatação adequada, como passo fazer isso?