This is not an issue, just an architectural question...
Let's say that our application has a SQLite database, a Content Provider that exposes this data and an IntentService that is responsible for sy…
Hi guys, as you can see I have been working on a single module project structure.
Here is the PR: https://github.com/android10/Android-CleanArchitecture/pull/103
I'm not saying that I will land it b…
# Android 开发之旅之进阶
### 高级UI绘制
- [x] UI流程绘制分享
- UI源码级分析
- View的测量
- View的布局
- View的绘制过程
- 绘图及特效制作
- Paint画笔高级技能(Paint的方法使用技巧、高级渲染(BitmapShader位图渲染、LinearGradient线性渲染、RadialGradient…
The issue was reported when running on a container, but it probably would happen in a bare metal environment with limited resources.
## issue:
When performing generation for the first time, codean…
Like mentioned in #9 this sample will come after RxJava and Dagger2 sample.
I was finish about working on an example [Clean Dagger2](https://github.com/AndroidClasses/android-architecture/tree/todo-mvp-clean-dagger). MVP + Clean Architecuture + Dagger2, which combines mvp-cl…
Hi guys, I'd like to contribute with a MVC and MVC-Dagger2 architecture sample. It would be something similar to what I used in this project https://github.com/Smart-Studio/device-info/tree/develop. L…
## Responsabilidades e atribuições:
Buscamos Desenvolvedor Android para atuar projeto de cliente do ramo financeiro.
Você realizará constantemente a construção e melhoria de um produto, portanto viv…
Sua stack é desenvolvimento mobile? A @Datum quer adicionar você!
**Link da vaga:** https://datum.gupy.io/jobs/1722506
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