I see the sahi support detectron2 and mmdet, but does detrex also can use sahi ?
When run
`python tools/train_net.py --config-file projects/focus_detr/configs/focus_detr_resnet/focus_detr_r101_4scale_24ep.py --num-gpus 8`
where `train.init_checkpoint = detectron2://ImageNetPret…
Hello there, I've noticed that as soon as I add the following line in my config.py, training crashes:
`dataloader.train.dataset.filter_empty = False`
The line I'm running:
2 errors detected in the compilation of "E:/Py_Conda_Project/detrex/detrex/layers/csrc/DCNv3/dcnv3_cuda.cu".
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Traceback (most recen…
I was able to train with other code, but training with H deformable detr code with the same configuration would cause errors. Can you update it on github? Thankyou!!!!!!!The error is as follows:
Sometimes, python interpreter can find the wrong train_net.py (i.e. detrex/detectron2/tools/train_net.py). It is due to in PYTHONPATH, detrex/detection2/ is in front of detrex/.
Possible workaround…
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Great work on the paper! I have a quick question regarding the implementation. In the paper, you mentioned that several backbone networks like ViT, Swin, and ResNet were used. Could you please clarify…
Hello -- really appreciate your work! I was able to get a ResNet 50 model to train perfectly well on my custom dataset using your config files and confirmed that Stable DINO / R50 is better than DINO …