tomschindl@Toms-MacBook-Pro efxclipse-drift-samples % ./gradlew -Ddriftfx.showfps=true run8
> Task :run8
Found Sample Providers: [org.eclipse.fx.drift.samples.cpp.SimpleTriangleSampleProvider…
@tomsontom suggested in https://github.com/eclipse-efx/efxclipse-rt/issues/256#issuecomment-437352692 that DnD should be enabled by default in the next release.
Would be nice to have this enabled …
I have **Intel HD Graphics 620** which is **Intel Core i5-8250U** on my **linux ubuntu 20.04** notebook.
I was trying to run a demo from https://github.com/BestSolution-at/efxclipse-drift-samples. It…
Currently, switching on the `nativeLaunchers` feature will cause a build-time `NullPointerException` because of a missing delta pack.
Currently I've prepared a workaround (disabling it by default fo…
mcmil updated
8 years ago
Hi, I wanted to add the p2 site to my target platform, but get the following error:
Just noticed in the announcement of the 3.0 version that there is a typo in the new API (missing h in sychronize): https://github.com/eclipse/efxclipse-rt/blob/master/bundles/runtime/org.eclipse.fx.co…
Необходимо сделать каркасный модуль для ui-plugin. Данный модуль является "скелетом, на который будет наращиваться мясо", а именно: модуль содержит логику по отрисовке основных панелек/менюшек/тулбара…
1. Using Eclipse atleast, use e(fx)clipse to update the library nonsense
(This can be done using http://downloads.efxclipse.org/eclipse.org/sdks/nightly/ which has pre-installed nonsense for this)
I would like to start a test within the context of an e4 RCP application with JavaFx.
For this test, I created a minimal e4 RCP application using the fx wizard and added only a window.
Therefore, I …
One of ma long term Issues is to get JavaFx running with OSGi. Maybe there are better ways, but could you provide an easy example with Atomos? Or do you think it is not an good Usecase for Atomos?