The data element "intended use" is in Patient Summary medication section. Should we add it in the prescription model, too?
It exists in IHE Medication Overview, but also in Patient Summary - so if …
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This is doing the same behavior as /Admin/Users was doing, where the new window would generate at the bottom of the page, basically infinitely scrolling out of reach. Its momentarily visible if you g…
Das Certifaction Tool can auf iOS nicht integriert werden. Könnt Ihr bitte
1. Uns den Source Code geben, oder gleich selber OpenSource machen
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TEST (Debug) gives this response:
1. When trying to login to ADSuisse, even if I am not logged in, I always get:
2. ![IMG_698BCF1923C1-1](https://github.com/zdavatz/amiko-osx/assets/4953/aa9a7525-ea0f-4a65-8a75-fc751f8e40ee)
3. Test…
Currently the patient.name.family cardinality is defined as 0..1 but in Spain we have the use case where the majority os spanish citizens have two family names, so this means from Spain we need the po…
I am trying to generate instances of ePrescription (FHIR) (https://ckm.openehr.org/ckm/templates/1013.26.80). `INVAL` validates those instances against provided OPT, but when I try to upload s…
### 概要
JP MedicationRequestプロファイの用語定義表に記載されている剤形、処方区分の「ePrescription」の綴りが「ePrewscription」となっている
### 依頼先
### 該当ページ
### 修正しないとどう困るか
### 概要
JP MedicationRequestプロファイルの投与経路のCodeSystemの値が現状「http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0162」となっているが、