Dear Mixiaoxiao, dear all,
First of all, thanks Mixiaoxiao for your work porting Homekit to ESP8266. This is a fantastic help for DIY hobbyists.
I am using your library (HomeKit-ESP8266@1.2.0) w…
“Using existing accessory ID: CE:11:68:C8:7E:B9”
wifi连接成功, IP地址为:
[ 5317] HomeKit: Update the CPU to run at 160MHz
[ 5322] HomeKit: Starting server
[ 5326] …
I would like to test Example05 WS2812 Neopixel examples. But after then configured wifi and try to pair device I get the following result.
WiFi connected, IP:
>>> [ 6003] Home…
I use ESP8266 to control the humidifier. How to remove the dehumidifier from homekit?
Will it ever be possible to have firmware for these MCU’s to have native HomeKit or Matter support? Like [HAA](https://github.com/RavenSystem/esp-homekit-devices) for ESP8266.
Hello. I have made several of these devices. All of them have been initialized and connected to the HomeKit, but only the first device that has registered with the Homekit is working and responding. T…
Only appears up to version 1.2.0
I used the flowing code in order to get faucet status (open / close)
from some reason in HomeKit its appeared as updating
please advise :-)
Thanks in advanced.
How can i use DHT sensor whith ESP8266 and HomeKit?
Is there anyone on GitHub who has an example or can show the code for building an ESP8266 HomeKit faucet? I was able to make a switch, but I am having trouble understanding how to convert it to a fauc…