- [ ] get pop-up working
As a second provider, explore etherspot's offering+SDK as a second provider to integrate for our existing AA functionality.
Look for:
- Their SDK/APIs and similarity to what we need
- Smart contract…
### User Story
User mints two separate NFTs in a single minting transaction. User receives 2 NFTs as SVGs with embedded text:
(NFT details are in #3 )
- [ ] NFT 1: `"Hello, World!"`
- [ ] NFT 2:…
- Content is:
[ ] Informational content
- Which blockchain protocol is this about? Ethereum
- Description (two or three phrases describing what is it about)
The main point of the article is …
## Expected Behavior
Serverless function that contains etherspot/sdk initialization should be deployed successfully.
When the function is called should log the initialized sdk.
## Current Beha…