I saw this package adds itselft to `evil-emacs-state-modes`.
I understand that is for preventing problems with the bindings.
while evil-mode adds vim like functionality to emacs, it doesn't deal wit…
Thanks for the great package!
I'm trying to define keybindings to control explorer as follows:
`(after! compiler-explorer
(evil-define-key 'normal 'visual 'compiler-explorer-mode-map (kbd "ga")…
I'm on evil-mode (Spacemacs), so using this is rather awkward in terms of keybindings. Before I realized it I thought it's bug #9.
To improve UX I added this in my personal config to turn on evil-…
can the default selection mode color theme be changed , right now is white on gray , it would be nice if it was something like doom-one that preserves the color highlighting on the fonts eg:
### What did you expect to happen?
When using `evil-ex-search-forward` (`/`), `+default/search-buffer` (`SPC s b`), `evil-mc-make-and-goto-next-match` (`M-d`), I should be able to navigate to matches…
* https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection
There are many modes integrated with evil there that I should consider intalling them.
Expanding org tables using tab has become extremely sluggish. It takes two to three seconds for the table to be expanded properly. The function bound to my tab key is `org-cycle`.
If I remove proje…
arael updated
1 month ago
### Thank you for the bug report
- [X] I am using the latest version of `lsp-mode` related packages.
- [X] I checked [FAQ](https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-mode/page/faq/) and [Troubleshooting](https:…
Many people use `evil-mode`, but unfortunately, I know almost nothing about it. It would be great to collect known problems/workarounds regarding vterm+evil and add them to the README. Help (PRs) woul…
Hi, there seem to be issues with evil-mode. Results are returned fine but jumping to results or collapsing results is not possible. Are there plans for support?
ghost updated
3 years ago