- FACT-Finder-Web-Components Magento2-Module version (see composer.json): NG latest
- Magento edition and version: 2.4.0 Commerce
- PHP version: 7.4
- Expected behavior: After selecting all attribu…
There's an error in one of the lines, which will lead to errors in summary stats... there is one homicide listed as Tulsa, AL. Tulsa, Alabama is not the correct location if one looks at the geo coordi…
Add a set of icons to the pages of tax lots which link to different sites, to pages targeting that specific location (where possible).
The sites, in order of the icons, are:
- Cyclomedia Stree…
#### Description
Control total population shouldn’t be grey—Place of birth and Ancestry (seems to be on our end since there’s no MOE/CV in the data—will have to give updated data with zeros in those …
#### Description
Charts: comparison area MOE should stop at zero like selected area
[Example here](https://factfinder-staging.planninglabs.nyc/explorer/selection/8f7e4a2fe4ab07aad5fc6c4bec0877a7bfab8…
### Ticket
[Issue 16067](https://dev.azure.com/NYCPlanning/ITD/_workitems/edit/16067)
[Workflow branch strategy](https://github.com/NYCPlanning/labs-factfinder/issues/1134)
To reproduce, visit: https://factfinder-staging.planninglabs.nyc/profile/304/housing. Scroll down to rooms. Hover over the tooltip in the last row.
See here: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/acs/acs.pdf
# Relevant data sets:
ACS DEMOGRAPHIC AND HOUSING ESTIMATES: 2006-2010 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (Found through manual se…
Previously in the beta versions of the extension, the `Omikron\Factfinder\Model\Export\Product` class provided an `exportProducts` function which could simply be called from anywhere, if you want to m…