Why does it update all fiction.live stories when the haven't updated in a while?
Manage SEO so that when I type poulpe fictions in google, I get the scene ephemere site
What about an index for cypherpunk fiction? Possible entries might include
True Names - Verner Vinge
A Lodging of Wayfaring Men - Anonymous (although the real author is known, but I don't remember w…
Collect stories of pandemics throughout history as reflected in fiction and in science fiction, as a reading list.
- Tor Books, Claudia Grey "5 essential books about plagues and pan…
The current "Sort By" dropdown only provides two options: "Newest" and "Relevance." This limits the user’s ability to refine their search based on other important criteria. To improve the user experie…
From Antje:
"The Negro in Art" is in the wrong subcategory and shows up under "stories" but should be showing up under essays. ccda.works00114
"Her Virginia Mammy" should be dated 1899 (only in Th…
I have some vague ideas towards a method of generating fiction in the form of IF transcripts, a format I have always enjoyed.
Gonna get started right now.
### System Info / 系統信息
python3.12,transformer 43;gpu 2080Ti22g*2
### Who can help? / 谁可以帮助到您?
_No response_
### Information / 问题信息
- [X] The official example scripts / 官方的示例脚本
- [ ] My own modifi…
There was some discussion on **The Interactive fiction hive** about trying to get more `IF` content on the lbry network.
It should probably be a good idea to display this content on the app itself…
**Käsitteen tyyppi**
**Ehdotettu termi suomeksi**
science fiction (yleisesti)
**Ehdotettu termi ruotsiksi**
**Ehdotettu termi englanniksi**
**Tarkoitusta täsmentävä selite**